Magic Moments
"There is beauty in everything, just not everybody sees it.”
— Andy Warhol
There is beauty all around us. Seeing that beauty, experiencing life to the fullest, is not about where you are, who you are, or what you’re doing; it’s about your mindset.
By opening yourself up to the possibilities of the world, you can let in moments of magic and joy into your life. If you’re feeling bored or uninspired, or if you’re just looking to expand your enjoyment of life, use these techniques to see the beauty that already surrounds you.
What are magic moments?
You could call them coincidences, luck, meaningless — or you can choose to look at them as magic. They’re the little things that line up perfectly to bring you joy; the easter eggs of life. Magic moments look like:
A message written on the sidewalk that tells you exactly what you need to hear
A friendly stranger who shows you a delicious pastry shop
A beautiful flower growing where it shouldn’t
A song you love playing at a moment when you need reassurance you’re on the right path
A new opportunity appearing just when you need it
A friend calling you right when you think of them or mention their name
These things happen all the time. Often we aren’t paying attention. Or we dismiss them as chance. But these moments can bring us pure joy, if we open ourselves up to them.
How to experience everyday magic
Letting magic in is all about opening your mind and your life. Letting down the walls you’ve built to be a serious, structured adult. Letting some childlike wonder and fun into your life. And letting yourself enjoy it.
Open your mind to the possibilities
Maybe it's optimism, maybe it's seeing the world from a child's point of view. Look for beauty, meaning, and easter eggs and they will find their way to you.
It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy: If you believe the world is full of magic and beauty, you’ll see it. If you believe the world is chaotic and devoid of meaning, you’ll see that. Choose the perspective you’d like to experience.
Offer kindness
What you put out into the world is what comes back to you. If you are kind to the people around you, that kindness will be returned to you. If you can default to a warm view of the world, warmth will come back to you.
It’s the most basic rule we learn growing up, and another self-fulfilling prophecy. You create your own luck (to some degree) by being a kind and caring person that other people want to offer help and kindness to in return.
Practice gratitude
Gratitude opens your mind to the beauty around us. When you practice gratitude regularly, you condition your mind to feel lucky and see the positive side of things.
Multiple scientific studies have shown that gratitude increases happiness, can help combat depression, and actually changes your brain over time.
Cultivate curiosity
If you're interested in the world around you, you will see so much more. The more you see, the more beauty you'll see.
This curious state is analogous to the beginner’s mindset — a concept from Zen Buddhism that has even crossed over into modern-day executive and problem-solving training. Essentially, you let go of assumptions that you already know something or that learning or questioning isn’t worth your time.
Let yourself wonder. How was that made? What is that for? What does that say? What kind of tree is that? Why do clouds move sometimes fast and sometimes slow?
Notice little things
Beauty is everywhere, you just have to look. Become an observer of your world. Notice what makes you laugh, read the graffiti you see on the street.
Even little things can make you happy. A strange leaf, a cute dog. Let your eyes wander long enough to find these things and enjoy them.
Follow the threads
The curiosity and observations you’ve been cultivating — go where they lead. Let yourself follow your interests. Go with your intuition and what interests you at this moment. Let dinner wait an hour longer.
These things aren’t a distraction; they may be your next hobby or just an enjoyable way to pass the time. Life is for living.
Say yes
Adventures can happen at any moment, but we usually say no to them. Try out things you don't usually do, make friends with varied interests. Take on new challenges.
These adventures don’t have to be dangerous or expensive; just something that’s new for you. Stay curious while you try them out, and see what you enjoy.
Savor the magic
Whenever you experience a bit of magic, savor that moment. Recognize what’s happening and be grateful for it. Let yourself experience the moment and even write it down or remember it for the future.
Savoring beauty, fun, and enjoyment is another activity that researchers have found can combat depression and increase happiness.
There are so many ways to open your eyes to see the world in a new, and brighter way.